Leadership Behavioural Competencies & Characteristics


“It does not matter what your business does, you are in the people business.”

Extract: Business Freedom System /  Leadership DNA Online Program & System / Module 5 / Leadership Behavioural Competencies & Characteristics


Successful Leaders make an effort to understand other people. When you develop a deep curiosity in learning more about yourself and about other people, you’ll be amazed at the insights you get.

In professional leadership, recruitment and assessment, you need to gain the most powerful insights into the driving forces behind a person’s behaviours.

Your Behaviours are simply external expressions of your internal characteristics, or you might say who you identify yourself as.

Might it therefore be useful for you understand behavioural characteristics to improve your own leadership brand identity and influence the behaviours of others?

Leadership Behavioural Archetypes© 

The leadership behavioural archetypes model© represents typical motivations, goals, standards and general attitudes of energetic future-oriented Self-leaders who have the emotional capacity to apply their strengths to initiate and sustain self-influencing behaviours, that have a direct effect on the character development and positive actions of others:

NOVODISC Behavioural Profiling

Understanding people and why they behave as they do and the interdependency and interaction between systems, variation, learning and human behaviour, knowing each affects the other.

NOVODISC Behavioural Profile Report can give you that insight, drawing on an industry-standard psychometric technique to create the most advanced individual reporting available anywhere. Based on a simple and straightforward personality questionnaire, we can compile a detailed and informative report that tells you everything you need to know about a person, from their inner motivations to their working style.

What a NOVODISC profile tells you:

NOVODISC report explains the behaviours of any individual, and also looks in detail at the way they're likely to perform their job. The report looks at key areas such as motivation, communication style and decision making to describe a person's work style in truly practical and useful ways.

The most extensive version of the report goes further, exploring a candidate's suitability for particular roles in management, sales, service and technical work.

You'll also find detailed descriptions of their approach to working relationships and teams, and the report will even give you a selection of questions for a behavioural interview.

About DISC

DISC. is a four quadrant behavioural model based on the work of William Moulton Marston PhD (1893–1947) to examine the behaviour of individuals in their working environment. NOVODISC can be used to describe a person's general approach, including their motivations and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and some of the basic assumptions they make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react in given situations…


NOVODISC profiling, if used wisely and responsibly, will provide you with new and deeper insights into understanding people and how to hone your own skills to master communication and the art of connecting with people. Your NOVODISC profile report will provide a detailed behavioural assessment and when used with the simple insights we can discover together by reviewing your profile, can become a powerful tool to help create extraordinary results.

The First Step: “Know Thyself”

Before you embark on an exercise of contemplating how to manage your team better, complete your NOVODISC profile questionnaire. We will then spend time together analysing its relevance to your role as leader and we will use the insights from your profile report to stimulate your thinking as to how YOU can make a difference to yourself and each of your team members.


Value To The Organisation

We will work together to Identify your characteristics of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance that are high or low, above /below the centre line on the graph profile within your report and we will use the chart to learn more about how you can adapt your behavioural values to get the best of people and therefore the organisation.

We will provide guidelines on behaviour modification that demonstrate in order to gain commitment and maximise performance, managers must adapt and vary their behavioural style towards that of the person whom they manage. Successful leaders constantly modify their own behaviour in order to get the best from others. However, most managers find it difficult initially to act in different ways with different people.

How NOVODISC Behavioural Profiling Can Help You and Your Team….

  • You can be more effective when you understand how and why you react in certain ways in different circumstances.
  • By understanding the needs of others and what motivates them you can be a more effective leader, team player salesperson, or teacher.
  • When you maximize the strengths and compensate for the weaknesses in individuals you can create a more productive team.
  • If you hire the right people for the right job based on the behavioural style required for that job, you will reduce employment and training costs.
  • When you communicate with others on their ‘wavelength’ you will create a harmonious work environment with less stress.


NOVODISC Profiles through the Cloud

One of the advantages of cloud-based profiling is that you can provide a NOVODISC test directly across the Web. Candidates can complete a NOVODISC questionnaire on the Web, wherever they are, and the results are instantly available.

Once a NOVODISC test has been completed, its built-in expert system will instantly compile an exhaustive and clear report. Our NOVODISC reports are written in plain English (and are also available in many other languages) covering a huge range of topics and subject matter.

To find out more about NOVODISC and invest in your own DISC Report follow the Link below:

NOVODISC Behavioural Profiling