100% Guaranteed - These Programs Will Grow & Scale Your Team, Business Performance, Leads, Profits, And Personal Wealth In The Quickest And Simplest Way Possible...


With Our Support And A Future Proofed 'Exit Pathway'

Welcome To Your Future

If You Are An Established Progressive Business Owner Who Wants More, Better, Sooner...
You're Opportunity is Right Here, Right Now...

Introducing The Business Freedom System — a comprehensive, online, blended learning Total Scale-Up Package that empowers businesses to achieve significant growth while enabling owners to create personal wealth and establish a desired exit pathway.

This all-inclusive package encompasses the "real-world" aspects of business, leadership, and management. It provides an extensive array of resources and personalised support, tailored specifically for business owner / leaders. Its core purpose is to empower you to implement proven action-based strategies that will propel your business forward to create succession and Freedom of Choice.


Our unique action-oriented, fully supported approach allows business owners to bridge the significant gap between theory and practice. You get to EXPERIENCE applying what you have learned ‘with your team’ to real situations in the context of your own business growth.

By supporting this hands-on approach, the system enhances the effectiveness and applicability of the knowledge gained, empowering participants to make tangible improvements and drive positive change in all areas of their business.

Our team supports your success...

You have a Growth Business Partner in your pocket 24/7

Membership Means Unlimited Growth

That Winning Feeling -

Transform Your Business; Transform Your Life

The Business Freedom System is proven to be one of the most effective business transformation programmes available today, designed primarily for business with 5 to 250 employees...

Business Ownership can be a challenging and sometimes lonely place. Experience The Real Difference, The ‘Missing Gap’ That Drives Lasting Change, A Positive Reinforcing Support Network.

All The Improvements You Desire Are Packaged Up For You:


Help me to re-define my culture and create the platform for my team to step up & contribute more
Help me develop strong leadership skills and attributes to truly lead my people
Help me and my team get better use of our time & more pro-actively build the company
Help me to know my numbers, understand business finance and grow profits
Help me create a step-by-step marketing plan that significantly increases new leads 
Help me implement the most effective sales appeal for my products and services
Help me learn how to re-invest & create multiple personal wealth income streams
Help me to create a systems dependent company rather than a people dependant one

TIME IS NOW For a New Way of Thinking and Doing!

We know that if we are able to take away the shear stress of it all, the relentless firefighting and other obstacles, and show you how to attract the best team members, attract and care for your best customers at the highest level, and implement a systemised business run by your people, you will gain the highest level of returns.

The Freedom System covers everything for you...

Complete Holistic Approach

The program engages the entire company to participate REAL TIME in improving your business USING KEY BALANCED APPRAOCHES:

Typical Program Flow

Inside The Business Freedom  System

What Is The Freedom System?

The Business Freedom System is a recognised done for you system providing life time value. We help you implement the improvements with your team, so you get more money, more time, more freedom, doing less. 

What Makes It Different?

It is not a course or a program. It is a personalised system entirely designed for you to EXPEREINCE what you have learned by applying it ‘with your team’ and our live support. Where hundreds of business owner members who have been through the program in the past 10+ years before you, prove it works through thier results.

What Is The Investment?

The majority of our clients gain quick wins and increase revenue and profit substantially. You receive a 300% ROI Guarantee, so all risk is mitigated, and once integrated, your business becomes an equity generating asset.

How It Works?

You have the flexibility to enhance all three primary engines that drive your business and bridge the gaps in operations, commercial, and wealth performance. The most successful approach is to holistically follow a progressive plan that gradually addresses each engine over time each, according to your schedule. Alternatively, you can prioritize turbocharging the engine that requires immediate attention. 

Real Engagement | Applied Learning | Transformative Impact

Every business needs a rock solid foundation to grow from and get your team energised and contributing to its success


Grow success at scale with the right foundations & our innovation systems that drive revenue and  maximise profitability


Free yourself to choose how involved or uninvolved you want to be in the day-to-day running your business


Operations Engine Programs & Implementation Systems

Program 1 - Re-Defining Your Culture 

For Individuals Character Is Destiny; For Your Business Culture Is Destiny

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take control of your destiny by re-defining your business
culture to create a framework that gets your team and stakeholders inspired, enrolled, engaged and
contributing cohesively toward a shared invigorating future as ambassadors of your company brand values..

Gap Closure System  

Organisational Cultural Development (OCD) System


Program 2 - Self Leadership

How To Become a Phenomenal Leader & Get the Best Out of Yourself?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to replace limiting habits with success habits and upgrade your identity to match your destiny, aligning your mindset, action set and skillset to the leader you want to be, with the
fortitude of character required to authentically lead others and truly lead change… To Be You as A Better You

Gap Closure System  

Leadership DNA (Development Needs Analysis) System


Program 3 - Creating High Performance Teams

Shift Your Team from The Ego 'Me's To the Collective 'WE'

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create the team you have always wanted, from recruitment to results, from compliance to commitment, learning how to effectively mobilise a group of people into a cohesive unit(s) to drive collective emotions in a positive direction toward a pre-determined outcome

Gap Closure Systems  

Team Engagement System

AAA Recruitment System


Commercial Engine Programs & Implementation Systems

Program 4 - Marketing

Don’t tell them what you do; Tell them what they get out of what you do

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to skyrocket your profit by understanding what generates it, and create a marketing machine at the heart of your business that connects your value proposition to your target market, delivering lead after lead by working above the gross profit line to make £££ from social, digital to mainstream channels

Gap Closure System  

Profit Multiplier System

Customer Attraction Systems


Program 5 - Sales

It is Not About Converting Them, It Is Abbot Getting Them To ConverThemselves

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a customer approval sales system establishing consistency, trust, and familiarity, learn how to build relationships that eliminate objections, and understand the psychology of buyers to implement and maximise sales conversion and average value sale strategies

Gap Closure System  

Customer Approval System


Program 6 - Customer Service

Unleash The Power of Your Customers as Your Best Marketing & Sales People

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to master external & ‘internal’ customer service cycles, and use onboarding, loyalty, and differentiation systems that will stand you apart and give the WOW factor expereince, unleashing the power of all your stakeholders as business growth and success ambassadors

Gap Closure System  

Customer Retention System


Wealth Engine Programs & Implementation Systems

Program  7 - Time For Success

What You Think You Know About Time Management is Completely Outdated  

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take back control of your personal energy, master your relationship with time, link intentions to expectations, and implement three proprietary decision-making funnels with effective planning to stop you being a slave to time & start investing it to gain more balance and far better future choices.

Gap Closure System  

LifeTime Leverage System


Program 8 - Business Finance Made Simples

If You Don't Know Your Numbers; You Don't Know Your Business

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to improve your financial IQ, understand your business health, make and measure small changes that will have significant impact on profitability, empowering you to be in control and in sync with your business finances so you may ask better questions of your accountant, and make better informed decisions

Gap Closure Systems  

Business Health and Wealth System

KPI Management Dashboard System


Program 9 - Personal Wealth 

Get You & Your Business to A Point of Time & Wealth Gains Where You Have CHOICE

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to turn profit into investable capital, take control of the equity cycle, your financial destiny and exit strategy, winning the game of money by learning how to initiate a plan for multiple investment income streams that will gain you time and wealth freedom of CHOICE

Gap Closure Systems  

Personal Wealth Creation System

Exit Pathway System


"Great Leaders Do Not Build Great Businesses; Great Leaders Build Great People, Who Build Great Systems, That Run Great Businesses"

 Derek Mair


Will it work for me?

We 100% guarantee it will work for you and if it doesn't, as long as you have done what you said you were going to do, we will support you until it does.

Three Reasons It Won't Work For You:


Its NOT for you if you’re seeking overnight success and riches. Many courses promise you that, but none of them deliver, because it's not possible.

It’s NOT for you if you’re ambiguous or want to dabble in the subject of business success. This programme is about 'Success.' Dabblers should not apply.

It’s NOT for you unless you're serious about massively increasing your profits. The mass of business owners will be perfectly content if this year is the same or slightly better than last year

This program is not for the mass of business owners. It’s for those who truly want to achieve what they got into business for in the first place.

Schedule your FREE demo session, where our team will evaluate if we are a good fit for each other, only then can we extend an invitation to join us. If we don't think you're a good fit, we'll recommend the route we believe is ideal for you.

We only work with successful people we know we can help, and the only way to find out if you are one of those people is to schedule your free demonstration of how the Business Freedom System will work for you....

Book Your Free Demo Consultation

How We Support You:

Personalised Help

Live Consultation Clinics each week where we help you live with anything you need as you are applying the systems

Implementation Guides

Complete, proven & proprietary systems, with downloadable step by step strategies, lock It In learning pages, and team gamifications

Inspired Learnings

Access to our online members portal with gamechanger - cognitive priming system and video success library + more

Support 24/7

Any questions answered 24/7 with our team in our private community forum. Our team becomes your team

Live Broadcasts

Workshops and webinars from affiliate partner coaches and industry experts designed to broaden your horizons + partner programs

Tracked Results

Weekly accountability so we can help you track your results, understand your challenges, and keep you focused

What The Business Freedom System Can Do For You...

Since 2012 Our Programs Have Provided All The Tools, Strategies & SUPPORT You Need To Take Your Business To Where You Want It To Be & Create A Future Full Of CHOICE For Yourself & Your Family...

Business size, type or longevity is not important, what is important is your commitment to FAST FORWARD YOUR FUTURE


We believe, once you're a member of our Business family, you're always a member...

Paula Murray

"An Incredibly Intense, Fantastic Program - relevant and many tools to use in every day business. You'd be mad not to participate in these."

Supertonic For Design

Member Since 2020

Stephen Allam

"After running a multi-million pound turnover business for many years I stopped asking myself why my team wouldn't step up and started empowering them for the first time."

TR Bonnyman Son & Co

Member Since 2012

Steven Miller

"Since engaging in the Program through the Bank Of Scotland, the whole business, all the staff and I have a renewed focus and determination to succeed, the results are very exciting."

Donald Ross Est. Agents

Member Since  2013

Anthony Cecchini

"Unlike other courses I've been on the online systems help maintain momentum between workshops. They are step by step guides that help yo implement what you learn throughout the Academy."

Cecchini's Restaurants

Member Since 2018

John Thomson

"Having ran multi-million pound businesses I never thought I had much to learn about business. I was wrong. I just cannot believe the profitability increase & involvement of the entire team in growing the business."

WG Walker Ltd

Member Since 2015

David Skilling

"It's really difficult to explain it in words but by the time I graduated I was personally debt free for the first time, and the business was in great profit with more vans on the road... It's a rollercoaster ride but well worth it."

David Skilling Decorators

Member Since 2014

Every Great Journey Begins With Single Step, Once You Are On The Path We Will Guide You Along It, With A Little Help From Your Fellow Group Members...


+ 10 Years

Program Delivery  Longevity

+ 1000

Client Attendee / Members

+ 22%

Median Profit Increase 


of members expressed YES to the question; has attending business academy meaningfully helped you with business, leadership and personal development?


of that 80% approximately 25% said YES to the question; has attending Business Academy significantly changed your life through your business for the better?


of members answered YES to the question; do you believe the online and delivered material will provide substantial life time value that far out ways your investment to attend?

Surveys / Measurements are part of the Business Academy process. 
Measured indicators are provided by Affiliate Partners through contractual obligation.
Statistical sample size >200 Thrive Members


Start Living Life Through Your Business -

Learn How To Create The Business You Dreamed Of...

Delivering A Real World, Proven Business & Leadership  Growth Programme Through Action Based Strategies, Supported By Online Modules and Coach Interaction Within The Community.


Example Thrive Level Programme Content:

These are NOT just another set of online programme modules – They are Complete, Proven & Proprietary Systems that are only available to you here, with online Videos, Assessments, Workbooks, Lifetime Value Learnings & Step By Step Implementation Guides with strategies you get to keep and reference... FOREVER

Look Inside The Programmes & Workshops

Get Everyone Contributing

How To Master Culture and Energise Team Involvement. Start with the end in mind, the foundation for success - Organisational Cultural Development (OCD) System

Program 1 - Redefining Culture

Become A Phenomenal Leader

How To Master Self Leadership. Become a goal achieving machine, gain control, confidence & influence, develop a personal brand - Leadership DNA (Development Needs Analysis) System

Program 2 - Self Leadership

More Time, Energy & Balance

How to Master Your Relationship with Time, Personal Energy & Expectations. Stop spending it & start investing it to create better future choices. Time For SuccessLifeTime Leverage System

Program 3 - Time Leverage

Business Finance Made Simple

How to Master Cash Flow & Understand Your Numbers; Multiply Profits, Know Your Margins & The Balance Sheet - Business Health & Profit System + Business KPI Dashboard + FACTS System

Program 4 - Know Your Numbers

High Performance Teams

How To Create The Team You Have Always Wanted. From. Recruitment to Results, Compliance to Commitment - Team Engagement & AAA Recruitment System

Program 5 - Leading Others

Skyrocket Your Profits

How To Master The Art Of Marketing & Work Above The Gross Profit Line to Make £££. From Digital to Mainstream; Generate Leads While You Sleep - Profit MultiplierCustomer Attraction Systems

Program 6 - Marketing

Get Them To Convert Themselves

How To Master Sales, Abolish Objections, Understand the Psychology of Buyers & Massively Increase Prospect Conversion to Customers - Customer Approval System

Program 7 - Sales

WOW! Customer Experience

How to Master External & Internal Customer Service,  Give the WOW Factor & Make Your Customers Your Best Sales People - Customer Retention System

Program 8 - Customer Service

Achieve Financial Freedom

How To Master Personal Wealth Creation & Take Control of Your Financial Destiny. Increase Financial IQ, Investments &  Acquisitions  - Wealth Creation System

Program 9 - Personal Wealth Creation

We Are An Open Book - Your Investment Options

Core Level

£59.99 + VAT/ Month Subscription Membership


  • Your Personal Online Library
  • Invest In Your Core Membership Now & Upgrade To When The Time Is Right...
  • Full Access To The Members Portal and Bonus Content to Shift Your Mindset, Skillset and Actionset
  • Active Support Community Interactive Live Feed with Live Sessions Featuring Amazing Coaches and Interviews.
  • Access To 9 Best-in-Class Self-Led Online Programmes Released One per Month With Bite Size Modular Learning Systems, Gamifications for Your Team involvement, Lock-It-In Learning System Transforming Every Dimension of your leadership, Business, Time, Team, Profitability and Life Through Personal Wealth Creation System.
  • Each One with a Proven, and Implementable Business System
  • Self Directed Learning System
  • Over 20hrs of Video Learning
  • 5 eBooks Broken Into Consumable Chunks That Will Shift Your Thinking and Your Doing
  • Simple Assessments that will Uncover your Current Reality and Help you Benchmark Improvements
  • Step by Step Implementation Guides with Over 800 Action-Based Strategies Designed To Energise Your People, Mobilise Your Team and Connect The Culture
  • Exclusive BONUS Content Including Vlogs, Podcasts, Interviews & Bite Size Videos
  • Personal Development Planning
  • Access to Our Private Social Network, Where You Can Connect, Share Wisdom, Collaborate, get Business, and Grow with Fellow Members in Your Area and Around the World.
  • Constant and Never Ending Improvement... In Development: Net Zero Leadership Programme; Powerful Meditation Programme;  Personal Fitness and Wellbeing Programme from Expert Collaborators.

Invest In Your Core Membership Now & Upgrade To When The Time Is Right...


Accelerate Level

£197 + VAT/ Month Over 12 Months. Includes Membership


  • All Membership Benefits +
  • 3 Online Coach Led Workshops Covering the areas of self leadership, time leverage and financial acumen supported by the Online Programs
  • Step by Step Implementation guides with strategies to apply what you have learned
  • Personal Development Planning
  • Members Directory with Live Online Networking
  • Exclusive Content including Vlogs, Podcasts, Interviews & Bite Size Videos
  • One Standard NOVODISC Behavioural Report






Thrive Level

£397 + VAT / Month Over 12 Months. Includes Membership


  • All Membership & Accelerate Level Benefits +
  • Workshop Led Program
  • All 9 Online Coach Led Workshops Covering All 12 Areas of Business Growth Directly Supported by the Online Programs 
  • Step by Step Implementation guides with strategies to apply what you have learned
  • Monthly Live Group Coaching Support Sessions with Special Guests

  • Live Q&A / Accountability Webinars
  • Goals & Planning Online System

  • Two Standard NOVODISC Behavioural Report
  • Behavioural Report Coaching Session 
  • Optional Team Development Workshops

Can Be Made Bespoke For Specific Markets 


Freedom Level

Membership + £ Bespoke / Month


  • All Membership, Accelerate & Thrive Level Benefits +
  • 1-2-1 Online Coaching Sessions
  • Quarterly Team Strategic Planning Workshops

  • Business Development Roadmap
  • Systemisation Roadmap

  • Cascading Goals Deployment System
  • Team Alignment Workshop
  • One Enhanced NOVODISC Behavioural Report
  • NOVODISC Motivation Report
  • NOVODISC Relationship Report
  • Non-Executive Directorship Options
  • Interim Executive Director Options


Thrive Level

£397 + VAT / Month For 12 Months, Includes Core Membership


Optional Upgrade

Take every area of your progressive SME company to the next level faster, better with full coach support in this workshop led 'blended and applied learning' real-world EXPERIENCE, delivered through coach led, group, community, webinar support and implementation activities that complement the online programmes...

The culmination of this rolling programme of 9 business and leadership  building sessions tailored to you and delivered once per month will enable you to master how to build any company for high growth and profitability, including entrepreneurial success and personal wealth creation.

Download Synopsis
Freedom Level

£Bespoke Per Month, Includes Core Membership & Thrive Benefits


Optional Upgrade

An immersive, encompassing, bespoke 1-2-1 programme, designed for those business owner / directors who are determined to EXPERIENCE and achieve significant growth, succession development roadmap, sector leadership, substantial results, and an executable exit strategy.

Using your current business as a case study we enter a unique Business Growth Partnership working with executives, management, teams, people and systems to overcome challenges and accelerate performance to maximise shareholder value and establish Accountability, Controllability, Profitability and Sustainability.

Download Synopsis

We Will Go Above & Beyond - 

If You Are Ready To Sky Rocket Your Business - There Are Solutions For You


Book Your Free Demo Consultation...

The best way for your to predict your future is to create it. Even if you are unsure of your way ahead, lets chat, and discover how we can fast forward your future

We are committed to your privacy and will never share your information with third parties. You will be added to our educational mail list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

From The Blog

Three Crucial Cultural Elements Required to Enhance Employee Engage...

Lead Through Example

Closing The Gap Between Strategy & Execution

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