Ready To  Create Focus In Your Business...

If you are ready to start building your best business without the overwhelm, it starts with gaining clarity on those challenges that are most impacting you right now...


Ready To Create Focus In Your Business...

If you are ready to start building your best business without the overwhelm, it starts with gaining clarity on those challenges that are most impacting you right now...

Only then can we take action through focused strategies to turn a good business into a great business. 


Is Your Future Worth 10 Minutes?


That's all it takes to challenge your current perspectives and gain clarity of focus... 



Complete the brief online secure and confidential questionnaire below.

It lists the top 24 most common challenges progressive business owners face. Simply review the 4 sections and tick your top 5 challenges in total that relates to you right now, and we will email your consolidated responses directly to you. 


This May Be The Breakthrough You Have Been Searching For…


Business Academy - Core Level Membership is a low monthly subscription providing access to 9 online, real-world business, leadership & management growth programmes, each of which is a fully implementable system designed for SME business owner / directors and their teams.

EXPERIENCE transformation through supported implementation on your budget, in your time.
EXPERIENCE the real difference, the ‘missing gap’ that drives lasting change, the support of a likeminded community who learn together, collaborate, and build relationships to help each other grow in many ways.


Programme 1 - Organisational Culture Development, (OCD) System


Setting your Future... Learn how to get your team enrolled, engaged and contributing, plus the most powerful but underused management and leadership tool available to you right now. You’ll learn how to build a business, regardless of age, from the foundations up starting with the Culture of a winning company.



Programme 2 - Leadership Development Needs Analysis (DNA) System


Be The Change You Wish To See... You cannot learn to lead others until you can Lead yourself, and the quality of your leadership journey and potential will be dependent on your ability to build cognitive, emotional & conscious awareness skills to influence others, and an internal belief systems to overcome any obstacle.



 Programme 3 - Lifetime Leverage System


Time For Success... Stop trying to manage your time and start to manage your energy, the four domain's of energy. Time is your most valuable asset, yet most of us squander it. Learn how to develop your relationship with time, and with simple proven strategies, start making decisions today that will gain you future choice and maximise your team’s productivity and effectiveness.



 Programme 4 -Business Health and Wealth System


Business Finance Made Simple... Learn how to ask better questions of your accountant and bank manager by understanding how to interpret your full accounts. We will develop a Financial Dashboard through KPI’s and ratios so you can spot challenges, recognise opportunities and make informed decisions through your numbers. 



Programme 5 - Creating High Performance Teams System


Creating a High-Performance Team. It starts with great leadership creating rhythm in the business and influencing stakeholders. We will look at motivation, performance, target setting, defining roles, rules and responsibilities, and all the keys to a winning team. From recruitment to results, from compliance to commitment, learn how to effectively mobilise a group of people into a cohesive unit.



Programme 6 - Customer Attraction System


Buying Customers... When it comes to Marketing most people believe the purpose is to tell people what you do in order to sell them your products or service; it’s not! Learn how to create a Customer Attraction System that will drive a marketing machine generating lead after lead, cash flow stability and most importantly a profit multiplier system. 



Programme 7 - Customer Approval System


The Psychology of a Buyer... If you want Sales training, you can get it anywhere; we will look at the psychology of how people buy and how to effectively communicate, that will make you a great salesperson. We will create a Customer Approval System (sales process) unique to your business maximising prospect conversions.



Programme 8 - Customer Retention System


Customer Experience... Great Customer Service is all about creating a WOW factor and service led culture along with the Customer Retention and Referral System that will turn your customers into your most effective marketing and sales machine. We will master external & ‘internal’ customer service cycles, and use onboarding, loyalty, and differentiation systems that will stand you apart.



Programme 9 - Personal Wealth Creation System


Get You and Your Business to A Point of Time and Wealth Gains Where You Have CHOICE... Learn in simple terms about the different types of asset classes, how to raise investment cash flow for your current business or to acquire future businesses. How to create investment capital from profits, compound your returns, create wealth from multiple income streams.


Look Inside The Programmes

From The Blog...

Lead Through Example

Closing The Gap Between Strategy & Execution

The Weakest Link

Revealed! How to Upgrade Your Leadership Identity

Sometimes you simply cannot see the wood for the trees...

That is why this questionnaire is designed to help you identify your current challenges so that we may overcome them and start to take your business to where you want it to be.

NOTE: If you have a co-director in your business ensure they take the questionnaire separately, that way you can become aligned through comparing your differing perspectives.